Download and Install Eeyek Unicode Font

  1. To download the Eeyek Unicode font to your disk, click here --> Eeyek-2.0. (Remember the location of this file on your disk.
    The older version is available here.

  2. Unzip this file using WinZip or whatever equivalent software you have. This will create a folder Eeyek_Unicode, containing the font file Eeyek.ttf or Eeyek-Regular.ttf and some other help files.

  3. Go to the Windows\fonts\ folder on C: drive (or wherever Windows XP is installed)
    All the fonts installed in your machine are displayed here.

  4. Drag and drop the file Eeyek.ttf into this folder Windows\fonts\
After this step the font "Eeyek" would have been added successfully to your system´s Font Folder and you can use this font in any of your windows applications.

After the font is installed, reload this page after restarting your browser - you should be able to see something written in Meetei Mayek script, in the box below.

Open the file unicode_meetei_mayek_editor.html contained in the directory Eeyek_Unicode, in Firefox or any other browser. You should be able to see some text in Meetei Mayek if the font has been installed successfully.
This is a rudimentary editor, you can use it to type in Unicode compatibel Meetei Mayek, and use copy-paste to put it in, say, MS Word.

Installing Eeyek Unicode Font in Linux

Installing Meetei Mayek Font in Ubuntu is the easiest. Open the folder Eeyek_Uni code, double-click on the font file eeyek.ttf. It will open, showing the font ch aracters, and there will be an install button on lower right corner. Click on it and the font will install.

Installing Eeyek in other distributions of Linux is also as easy.

Unzip the font package file using the command
or using any built-in unzipping program. Basically, one has to copy the file Eeyek.ttf to the directory where TrueType fonts are, /usr/share/fonts/truetype
or any other suitable folder in /usr/share/fonts/
Basically issue this command (as root):

# cp Eeyek.ttf /usr/share/fonts/truetype/

That's all. Restart your browser, and you should be able to see Meetei Mayek webpages. Open the file unicode_meetei_mayek_editor.html contained in the directory Eeyek_Unicode, in Firefox or any other browser. You should be able to see some text in Meetei Mayek if the font has been installed successfully.
This is a rudimentary editor, you can use it to type in Unicode compatible Meetei Mayek, and use copy-paste to put it in, say, OpenOffice.