Quick Install Instructions
- Edit nobotgbook.pl using any ascii editor.
There are a few things that need to be changed in this file:
$guestbookurl - The url address of your guestbook.html file
e.g. http://www.flowersofindia.net/guestbook.html
$guestbookreal - The system location of your guestbook.html file
e.g. /home/flowers/public_html/guestbook.html
$guestlog - The system location of your guestlog.html file
e.g. /home/flowers/public_html/guestlog.html
$cgiurl - The url portion of the address to the guestbook.pl file
e.g. http://www.flowersofindia.net/cgi-bin/nobotgbook.pl
- The files nobotgbook.pl, codeimage.pl, msgimg.pl, code.txt needs to be
placed in your server's cgi-bin directory.
- guestbook.html, addguest.html, guestlog.html should be kept in the
documents directory of the server, usually the "document root" directory.
Their locations have to specified, in step 1.
- Change the permissions in the following way: *.pl should have execute
permission for everybody. guestbook.html, guestlog.html,
code.txt should be readable and writable by
everybody, because the code number and guestbook entries and log have to
be written by the script.
- Put at.png in the same directory as
That's it! It should work now. If you have been using Matt's guestbook
already, it would be trivial to setup Nobot Guestbook.